Monday 28 September 2015



Ishaq and Yaqub were great prophets who had many prophets amongst their descendants. As time went on, the people went astray and Allah sent many prophets to bring them back to the straight path. These prophets included Musa, Dawud, Yahya and Isa (peace be upon them).

Maryam was also a descendant of Ishaq (as). She was a very kind and pious women. She would spend many hours praying in the temple and would give generously to the poor people.

One day, Allah sent the Angel Jibrael with a message for Maryam. When she saw the angel, she was shocked. When Jibrael told her that she was soon going to have a baby boy she was even more shocked.

She asked the angel how was it possible to have a child without a father? The Angel replied that his birth would be miraculous. Just like Adam (as) was created without a mother and father he will be born without a father.

When it was time for the child to be born, she went to a far away place. She gave birth to a lovely baby boy called Isa. When the people saw her with the baby they were very surprised. She pointed to the baby Isa (as) who told them that he was a servant and messenger of Allah.

Even though most people loved Isa (as) there were some who wanted to kill him. Allah saved him and lifted him away into the sky. Many people did not know about this and thought he had been killed. Some people began to say Isa (as) was the son of god and began to pray to him. Soon the people began to go astray again.

Finally, Allah sent another messenger to guide them back to the truth. Muhammad (pbuh) was this last and final messenger.  



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