Tuesday 29 September 2015



The return of Prophet Isa (A.S)

Return Of Prophet Isa (Jesus)

Brief History of Prophet 'Isa (Jesus - Peace be upon him)

Due to the fact that the Jews had become deaf and blind to the words of God and deviated from the teachings of Musa (Moses - Peace be upon him) and the right path, Allah honoured Jesus Peace be upon him with Prophethood and sent him as a messenger to the children of Israel.

Bearing all hardships Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him spent all day and night conveying the message of Allah. Unfortunately, in spite of his tremendous effort the children of Israel did not respond and accept the message. Seeing that the poor and weak were becoming inclined towards him and fearing they would lose their leadership the Jews secretly tried to kill him. However Allah saved Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him from their wicked scheme and gave him greater dignity by raising him alive to the heavens.

Allah says in the Quran, "They did not kill him and nor did they crucify him but the resemblance of him (Jesus Peace be upon him) was put over another man and those who differ there in, are in doubt. They have no certain knowledge. They are following nothing but conjecture for surely they did not kill him but Allah raised him up to him." (Surah Nisa)

Allah says in the Quran "When Allah says, Jesus; I will take thee to me and I will purify thee of the unbelievers." (Surah A'li-Imran)

These verses clearly prove that the Jews did not kill Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him and that he was raised alive to the heavens. It is due to verses like those mentioned above and many authentic Ahadith we Muslims believe that Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him is alive in heaven at this moment in time. We further believe due to the following verses and authentic Ahadith that Prophet JesusPeace be upon him will return before Qiyamah and his return is a major sign of Qiyamah.

Allah says in the Quran, "And he (son of Mary) shall be a known sign for (the coming of) the hour." (Surah Zukhruf)

Ibn Abbas radiallahu anhuma has said that the meaning of this verse is that Prophet Jesus's Peace be upon him descent before Qiyamah is a sign of Qiyamah. (Ibne Abbas/ Musnad)

Allah says, "There is not a single section of the people of the book that will certainly believe in Jesus before his death and on the Day of Resurrection he will be a witness against them." (Surah Nisa) This verse clearly indicates that before the demise of Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him everyone from the people of the book will believe in him. The Jews will disappear as Jews after his demise but at the present the Jews are very much there. The conclusion is clear that the Prophet Jesus Peace be upon himhas not died; if so all the Jews would have become believers, which they have not. He will return before Qiyamah and it is then that all the people of the book will believe in him.

Jabir (radiallahu anh) reported that the Messenger of Allah salallahu 'alayhi wasallam said, "A party of my followers will not cease to fight for victory until the Day of Resurrection. Then Jesus, son of Mary, will come down. Their Imaam will say, "Come and lead our prayer" He will reply, "Some of you are rulers over others on account of divine honour upon these people." (Muslim)

Abu Huraira (radiallahu anh) reported that the Messenger of Allah Peace and blessings be upon him said, "By the one whose hands my life is in, surely the son of Maryam (Peace upon her) will descend amongst you as a just ruler. He will destroy the cross, kill the swine and abolish the tax." (Bukhari)

Hadrat Hudaifah ibn Osaid reported: The Holy Prophet Peace and blessings be upon him suddenly came to us while we were talking. He asked, "What are you talking about?" They replied "We were talking about the last hour." The Prophet (salallahu 'alayhi wasallam) said, "It will never come until you see ten signs before it," He then mentioned the Smoke, the Dajjal, the Beast, the Rising of the Sun in its place of setting, the Descent of Jesus son of Mary and Yajuj and Ma'juj. (Muslim)

Prophet Isa (Peace be upon him) Tasks

Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him will have three main tasks, when he descends on the Earth for the second time:

1) The first and most important will be that he will destroy the Dajjal.

2) Protect the Muslims from the barbarous tribes of Yajuj and Majuj by taking them to Mount Tur and then Praying for their (Yajuj and Majuj's) destruction.

3) Reign as a Khalif according to the Quran and Sunnah and elevate Islam.

Prophet Isa (Peace be upon him) descent and the killing of Masih ad-Dajjal
This minaret, which is on the left side of the Umayyad Mosque is also known as the Jesus minaret. It is from here that Hazrat Isa (upon him be peace) will descend back to earth towards the end of time.

The Dajjal (anti-christ) having failed to enter the holy city of Madinah will proceed to Syria gathering his forces on the way.

Imaam Mahdi will have arranged the Muslim army and will be on the verge of leading the Muslims in the morning prayer (Abu Umamah / Ibn Majah) when Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him will descend to the white Minaret (Nawwas-b-Samaan/Muslim) in the east of Damascus, wearing two garments died with saffron, placing his hands on the wings of two angels.

All those that are present will recognise him, as he will look exactly like the how the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) described Jesus (peace be upon him). Resembling the Sahabi Urwa bin Masood (Abu- Huraira/ Muslim) the colour of his skin will be reddish white (Ibn Abbas/ Bukhari), he will be well built and his hair will be soft and reach his ears. When he lowers his head, beads of perspiration will fall from it and when he raises his head, beads like pearls will scatter from it. (Nawwas-b-Samaan/Muslim).

Every Kaafir (disbeliever) who smells his sweet breath will die and his breath will reach as far as he can see. On seeing prophet Jesus Peace be upon him, Imaam Mahdi will take a couple of steps backwards so Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him can lead the prayer however Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him will place his hands on the Imaam's shoulder and will say, ''Go forward and lead the prayer as the Iqamah was made for you'' thus Imaam Mahdi will lead the prayer. (Abu Umamah/ Ibne-Majah).

After the prayer Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him will say, ''Open the gate.'' The gate will be opened and the Dajjal will be waiting behind it accompanied by an army of 70,000 Jews, each armed with a sword and shield. The Dajjal on seeing Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him among the Muslims will begin to dissolve like salt in water and will begin to flee.

Prophet JesusPeace be upon him will say to him, ''You will remain alive until I strike you with my spear.'' He will catch up with him at the Eastern gate of Ludd (Ludd is a mountain in Syria. Some say that it is a village in Jerusalem, and some say that it is a village in Palestine) and then Prophet JesusPeace be upon him will kill him with a small spear.

The Muslims will thereafter defeat and wipe out Dajjal's army. The Jews will not be able to hide behind anything on that day. Every time they try to hide behind a stone, a wall, a tree (except a boxthorn tree), or animal. Allah will make these things speak and they will say, ''O servant of Allah there is a Jew hiding behind me. come kill him.''

The Wisdom in the Descension of Prophet
Isa (Peace be upon him)

The Ulama of the Ahlus Sunnah w'al-Jama'ah have given many different reasons in the returning of Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him to this world or the second time. A few are listed below:

1) The Jews believe that they had killed Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him, Allah will send him before the end of time to prove that they had not killed him and that he is alive. It is he who will kill the Jews and their leader Dajjal. (Fathul - Bari)

2) Some Ulama have said that Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him found many virtues of the followers of Prophet Muhammad Peace and blessings be upon him in the bible and thus he prayed to Allah to make him amongst the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad Peace and blessings be upon him. Allah answered his prayer and he will return for the second time as one of the followers of Prophet Muhammad Peace and blessings be upon him. (Ibn-Kathir)

3) It is the Law of Allah that anything that is created from the Earth has to be buried in the Earth and not the Heavens. Thus he will return to the Earth for the second time, kill the Dajjal, live for a period of time and then he will die a natural death and will be buried with the Prophet Muhammad Peace and blessings be upon him. (Ashratus-Sa'ah).

Isa (peace be upon him) and the Ya'juj Ma'juj (Gog Megog)

A short period after Prophet Jesus Peace be upon himhas killed the Dajjal, the two mighty tribes of Yajuj and Ma'juj will appear, causing murder, pillage and devastation wherever they go. The emergence of Ya'juj and Ma'juj is also another major sign of Qiyamah. Through the invocation of Prophet JesusPeace be upon him they will be destroyed. (Nawwas-b-Samaan-Muslim).

More detail regarding them follows in the next sign.

Prophet Isa (Peace be upon him) as a Ruler

The Prophet Muhammad Peace and blessings be upon him said, "By him whose hands my life is in, surely the son of Maryam will come down amongst you as a just ruler. He will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the tax. Wealth will be in such abundance that none will care about it and a single prostration in a Prayer will be better than the world and all that is in it." (Abu Huraira/Bukhari, Muslim)

The above hadith clearly indicates that when Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him returns to the world for the second time he will not reign as a Prophet nor will he bring a new Shariah or Deen, as Islam is the last religion, the Quran is the last book to be revealed and our Prophet Muhammad Peace and blessings be upon him is the last Prophet. There is no Prophet to come after him and the Quran has made this fact very clear.

Allah says in the Qur'an, "Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) is not the father of any of you but is the Messenger of Allah and the last of the Prophets." (Surah-Al-Ahzaab)

When Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him returns for the second time he will reign as a Khalif and not a Prophet, follow the Qur'an and Sunnah and rule according to it. He will break the cross the Christians worship (indicating that he will bring Christianity to an end), elevate and spread Islam through out the world.

He will also kill the pig which the Christians consider Halaal (lawful) to eat (and use) and abolish the Jizya (tax). In Prophet Jesus's (Peace be upon him) reign they will not pay this tax because he will not accept anything but Islam for the non believers and they will all believe in him. The Qur'an says, "There is not a single section of the people of the book (Jews and Christians) but will believe in him and on the Day of Resurrection he will be a witness against them." (Surah-An-Nisa)

Secondly there will be an abundance in wealth, so much so that it will flow like water and there will not remain anybody who could be given this money, thus this tax will be abolished.

Blessings at the time of Prophet Isa (Peace be upon him)

All types of spiritual and worldly blessings will descend on Earth in his time. Wealth will flow like water, everyone will be independent and have surplus wealth and property to the extent that nobody will be in the need of Zakat and Sadaqa thus receiving of Zakat and Sadaqa will be discarded.

All hearts will be free from misery, envy, malice, and jealousy. Each harmful animal will be made harmless. Camels will graze with the lions and the cheetahs with cattle. A little girl will chase a lion and make it run away from her like children chasing a puppy and this lion will not harm her.

Venom will be taken out from all venomous animals, a little boy will put his hand in a snake's mouth, but it will not harm him. The Jackal will live with the sheep and protect them as if it were a sheep dog. Peace, harmony and tranquillity will prevail in the world.

People will be in complete agreement, wars will cease, the earth will be filled with peace like a silver basin and it will sprout with vegetation like at the time of Prophet Adam Peace be upon him. The fertility of the land will increase to the extent that if a seed is planted in a rock, it will sprout. 700 mudd of wheat will sprout without ploughing the land. The earth will produce so much fruit that a large group of people will sit to eat a bunch of grapes or a pomegranate and they will be satisfied and use it's peel as an umbrella. There will also be blessing in milk. The milk of a single she camel will be sufficient to satisfy the hunger of a large group of people. A cow will produce what is sufficient for a tribe of people, and a sheep will produce milk, which is sufficient for a family of people. Horses will be cheap as they will be never ridden in war and bulls will be expensive, as they will be needed to plough the land.

Life will be very pleasant and enjoyable after his descension and the Muslims will live in comfort in his reign as a Khalifh. (Nawwas-b-Sarnaan-Muslim/Abu Umamah-Ibne Majah)


Many Ahadith specify that after his descension he will get married and have children and remain on the earth for a period of 19 years after his marriage. (Al-Fitan Nuaim bin Hammad).


Prophet Jesus Peace be upon him after his return to the Earth for a second time will live for a period of time (some scholars have mentioned 40 years in the light of a hadith which can be found in Abu Daud) and thereafter will die a natural death. The Muslims will perform his Janaza (funeral prayers) and according to the hadith narrated by Abdullah bin Amr in Mishkat he will be buried next to the Holy Prophet Muhammad Peace and blessings be upon him.

Monday 28 September 2015


Maryam and the birth of ISA

Allah fully supported Maryam throughout her pregnancy. It is very difficult for a woman to give birth, a potentially life-threatening experience, all alone, without medical equipment or a midwife's assistance. Nevertheless, Maryam overcame all of these difficulties by placing her complete trust in Allah. Allah helped her with revelations while she was struggling toward a date tree in the full throes of labor pains. Allah told her not to grieve, that He had placed a stream at her feet, and that she should shake the date tree in order to get freshly ripe dates to eat. He also told her to drink and to delight her eyes. As a result, she gave birth in the best possible circumstances. Allah reveals her situation:

The pains of labor drove her to the trunk of a date-palm. She exclaimed: "Oh, if only I had died before this time and was something discarded and forgotten!" A voice called out to her from under her: "Do not grieve. Your Lord has placed a small stream at your feet. Shake the trunk of the palm toward you, and fresh, ripe dates will drop down to you. Eat and drink, and delight your eyes. If you should see anyone at all, just say: 'I have made a vow of abstinence to the All-Merciful, and [so] today I will not speak to any human being.'" (Surah Maryam: 23-26)

Maryam withdrew from her society so that she could be in a psychologically peaceful environment and away from the hurtful behavior of people who could not comprehend her miraculous situation. Allah told her not to grieve and bestowed His grace and protection upon her. No doubt, there was much wisdom in this advice, just as there was in Maryam's withdrawal to a distant place. Muslims must not surrender to sadness; rather, they are to trust in Allah and feel the peace of mind that comes with knowing that Allah will always help them.

This attitude, which is required of all believers, has been confirmed by modern medicine, for doctors tell women, both during their pregnancy and while they are giving birth, to maintain a positive attitude and avoid any sadness and stress. His advice to delight her eyes means not to surrender to sadness and to enjoy the news of Allah's gift.

Eat Dates:

Allah advised Maryam to eat freshly ripened dates. Today, such dates are considered to be food and medicine. Scientists now know that dates contain more than ten substances considered essential for the human body's well-being and continuing health.

Dates contain plenty of the easily digested and absorbed sugars that give the human body its energy for heat and movement. More importantly, these sugars are of the fructose type and not of the glucose type, which quickly raises the blood-sugar levels. Dates provide energy, help muscle tissues and nerve cells develop, and are especially beneficial for people weakened by illness or those suffering from exhaustion, because of their high caloric value. For example, 100 grams of dates contain 1.5 grams of protein and 50 grams of carbohydrates. In addition, their caloric value is 225 kcal. Fresh dates have a 60-65 percent sugar content and a 2 percent protein content.

Modern medical findings suggest that dates benefit women who are almost ready to give birth. Doctors now advise pregnant women to take fructose-containing foods on their due dates, for such foods provide energy used by the weakened body to revitalize itself, have a trigger effect on the milk hormones and thus help the woman's body produce milk, and also increase the volume of that milk.

This information reveals some of the wisdom inherent in Allah's advice to Maryam. Another matter worth reflecting upon is the little stream created by Allah and His advice for her to eat and drink. Now, scientists inform us that people can survive on dates and water for years, because they contain all of the necessary essentials for human life. In fact, one renowned expert on the subject, V. H. W. Dowson, suggests that one glass of milk and one date per day provides a person's daily nutritional requirements.

Dates contain various vitamins (e.g., A, beta-carotene, B1, B2, B3, and B6) and minerals, (e.g., sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, fiber, iron, sulphur, phosphorus, and chlorine) and are also rich in fiber, fats, and proteins. Some of the ensuing benefits are as follows:

A date's nutritional value is based on the balance between its minerals. During the prolonged period of morning sickness and the altering physiognomy, a shortage of potassium occurs and needs to be supplemented. This fruit's high potassium content is certainly welcome here, as its role in preserving the body's water levels.

Iron controls the red blood cells' synthesis of hemoglobin, which prevents anemia during pregnancy and also regulates the blood's RBC balance, which is so crucial for the baby's development. Due to its high iron content, one-and-a-half dates can meet the body's total iron requirement and thus prevent all complaints caused by a lack of iron.

Calcium and phosphorus are very important elements in developing and balancing the skeleton and the bone structures. Dates protect the body from anemia and weak bones, and thus reduce the risk of such illnesses with their high nutritional value and high phosphorus, calcium, and iron content.

Scientists point out that dates can reduce stress and tension levels. Research done at Berkeley University revealed that dates are rich in vitamin B1 (the "nerve vitamin") and magnesium (essential for muscle functions), both of which are essential for a strong nervous system. Magnesium is also very important for the kidneys, and two or three dates per day are enough to meet all of the human body's magnesium requirements.

Dates also contain folic acid (vitamin B9), which is essential for pregnant women, due to its important role in forming new blood cells, producing amino acids, and developing new cells. As a result, a pregnant woman needs double the usual daily amount of folic acid. If the body's folic acid levels fall below the required amount, bigger but less functional red blood cells are formed and anemia occurs.

Folic acid, which is crucial to developing the cell's genetic makeup and division, is the only substance that must be doubled during pregnancy. Dates are very rich in folic acid.

During pregnancy, a woman's daily vitamin A requirement increases to 800 ug. Dates are very rich in the foremost vitamin A: beta-carotene.

Most other fruits are protein-poor, but dates have good protein content.

Oxytocin is used in modern medicine to accelerate labor and is often referred as "rapid birth." It also increases the level of milk production following birth.

Our Prophet (P.B.U.H) pointed out the benefits of dates in the following hadith: A family that has dates will not be hungry. This is a piece of very good advice.

All of our current information on dates reveals Allah's infinite wisdom and grace upon Maryam, who, inspired by Allah, satisfied all of her nutritional needs by eating dates and thereby eased her child's birth. (Allah knows best.)

Allah Creates a Stream:

Allah told Maryam that He had placed a stream by her feet to eat, drink, and delight her eyes.

Water, like dates, eases labor pains and regulates muscle tension. In fact, some modern birth clinics have pools in which the delivery takes place.

Water, which is necessary for life and one's physical well-being, plays an important role in regulating the body's temperature, transporting nutritional elements and oxygen, and removing waste matter from the body's cells. It also ensures the healthy movement of joints, skin moisture and elasticity, the digestive system, and protects tissues and organs. Water is becoming more widely used in therapy by the day. Contact with water stimulates the immune system, increases anti-stress hormone production, reduces pain, and stimulates blood circulation and metabolism.

Water is important during pregnancy for several reasons. At that time, water intake is especially necessary because the volume of blood increases and because of the developing baby's needs. Women who choose to breast-feed need plenty of water to produce the necessary amount of milk. Considering that 87 percent of this milk is water, we can see how important this production is.

Water also maintains the electrolyte balances in the blood of the mother and the child. Hormones released during pregnancy alter the way various body fluids are used. Toward the end of the woman's pregnancy, blood volume increases 150 percent, and the loss of water through breathing is much greater. The amnion fluid, in which the baby grows, is renewed every three hours. However, it can decrease, as in the case of dehydration caused by insufficient water intake.

Maryam Shakes the Date Tree:

Allah tells Maryam to shake the date tree toward her when she was headed toward it in her labor pains. (Surah Maryam: 25)

Doctors say that pulling something toward oneself during labor can have a positive effect on the muscles. In order to ease labor pains and help bring about a safe delivery, women are advised to do certain exercises that reduce pressure in the body and, therefore, the risk of complications during delivery. They are also thought to quicken the process of giving birth.

Doctors suggest that in the second stage of labor, the woman's head should be slightly raised to take advantage of gravity. Thus, hospital delivery rooms have beds with suitably placed handles and footrests that enable pregnant women to give birth in the most comfortable position.

Other practitioners advise their patients to squat or sit on specially adapted birth chairs. Before recent technological developments, some birth rooms featured a rope hanging from the ceiling, which the expectant mother was to use to try and pull herself up, thus helping the birth process. All of these methods are theoretically and logically helpful. Perhaps this is why Allah told Maryam to pull and shake the date tree. (Allah knows best.)



Puzzle - Good character

Find these good qualities in this word search and then find them inside yourself.If they are missing, you know what to do.


PROPHET ISA (peace be upon him)       
The Israelites had settled in the blessed land, Palestine.  They ruled for a long time.  They had a vast kingdom.  Allah, the Almighty chose many prophets from among them.  They followed the Holy Book, the Torah.  The Prophet Dawud (peace be upon him) and his son Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) won great popularity as kings and commanded high respect.  Their followers believed in God and led noble lives.  As the time passed by, they began to pay less attention to the teachings of God.  They forgot the Divine favours.  They made alterations in the Holy Book according to their own tastes.  Most of the Israelites adopted indecent ways of life and committed major sins.  At that time there existed a powerful kingdom in the world.  It was called the kingdom of Romans.  They were polytheists and pagans.   They did not worship one God and prayed to many idols made of stones.  The Roman society was divided into two factions.  The ruling class was very strong and arrogant whereas the ordinary people lived in misery.  They were ill-treated as slaves.  The female sex enjoyed no privilege in that era.  Palestine, the blessed land was ruled by Herod, a cruel king.  The people disliked him.  They were scared stiff of him.  They could not utter a word of complaint against him lest they should be put to sword.
Allah, the Beneficent, showed His favours and wanted to guide the depraved humanity to the right oath.  He desired to make the people believe in Allah through miracles.   Maryam (Mary) was a beautiful maiden.  She was virtuous, abstemious and chaste.  She used to pray to Allah frequently.  Site grew up in the house of prophet Zakariyya (peace be upon him) and learnt a good deal about Allah and His religion.
One night Maryam was engaged in glorifying the Almighty, Allah.  Suddenly she saw a handsome looking young man.  She got embarrassed and her face turned pale.   She felt jittery and had goose pimples on her skin.  Soon after she got tranquillity of mind.  She heard a voice from the invisible world

Behold! the angels said "O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus the son of Mary held in honor in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah. ( 3:45)
Maryam was much perplexed.  As she was a virgin, it was quite impossible for her to give birth to baby without entering into matrimonial allegiance with an opposite sex.
Once again the Angel remarked: It is the Will of Allah, the Almighty that you should give birth to a fatherless baby.  It is easy for Him to do what He pleases.  He has His own reasons.  I, however, convey you the good news.  Soon after the Angel vanished.  Maryam became wet with perspiration.  She apprehended that her name would be sullied if she gave birth to a baby before marriage.
After some days Maryam became pregnant.  Many people began to level false accusations against her.  They calumniated her for developing contraband relations with a man.  The whole population of the town derided Maryam.  She was feeling terribly ashamed on hearing the baseless charges of slanders.  She had a firm faith in Allah.  She was sure that Allah would help her in washing away a blot on her fair reputation.  She prayed to her Lord frequently to save her honour.  The people passed taunting remarks about her every now and then.
When site was reduced to straits by the mischievous persons, she decided to leave Nazareth and settle in another town.  She went to a locality called Bethlehem seventy-one miles away from her native town.
She resided near a manger under a palm-tree.  Soon after her arrival there Prophet Isa (Jesus Christ) was born.  Maryam washed, cleansed and dressed him.  He looked very beautiful and attractive.  Some of the people got wind of that incident and visited Maryam who gave birth to a fatherless baby.  They also made fun of her and began to ask questions.  As Maryam had been directed by Allah not to utter a single word for three days from the moment she gave birth to a baby.  She complied with the orders and refrained from talking.  When the people pressed her hard to reply to their questions, the baby began to utter some words to clarify the position of his pious mother.  The listeners were much surprised.  They were full of excitement.  Isa (Jesus Christ) claimed to be the Prophet of Allah.  He advised the people to follow the right path and do noble acts.  When the people got a convincing proof regarding the truthfulness and chastity of Maryam, they were much impressed and amazed.
The birth of Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) became a talk of the town.  Herod, the king, got wind of that miracle.  He became worried lest people should obey the directions of the newly born Prophet and neglect his orders.  He issued terrible orders to kill all those babies who art under the age of two years.  The parents became much upset because they thought that they would be deprived of their affectionate children after the implementation of those orders.  Allah guided Maryam to migrate to Egypt to seek protection for her baby.  She carried out the orders and reached Egypt after a troublesome journey.
They stayed away from home for twelve years.  The Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) grew up gradually and Allah gave him a good deal of wisdom and knowledge.  In the meantime Herod passed away and the people took a sigh of relief.  Maryam felt a great pleasure.  She picked up her belongings and proceeded towards the blessed land again.   She, along with her baby reached there after a long journey.
The Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) was handsome and dignified.  When he had attained the age of thirty years, he began to preach the religion of Allah.  Most of the people were not convinced and thus he was exposed to ridicules.  The Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) entreated Allah to grant him a miraculous power to impress the people.   Allah gave him that power.  He showed many miracles which won the hearts of the people.  Gradually they became his followers and began to believe in him and his message.
One day Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) was preaching to a large gathering.  He exhorted the people to believe in Allah and follow His religion.  Most of them turned a deaf ear to his instructions.  The Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) tried to convince them with a miracle.  He took some wet clay in his hand and made the statue of a bird with it.  He blew his breath on the clay.  It became a real bird with wings, eyes and legs by Allah's power.  It flew up chirping in the sky.  The people looked at the bird but could hardly believe their eyes.  They were wonder struck at the sight of this miracle.  They were so impressed that they began to take the oath of allegiance to Prophet Isa (peace be upon him).
The Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) kept on preaching and many people began to believe in true religion.  One day a man came limping towards  him.  He had suffered from leprosy.  He was looking terrible due to lumps on his face.  His fingers were crooked and he had lost some toes.  The people were scared of him.   They detested him but the heart of Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) was bleeding for the wretched man.  The diseased man said in the weak tone: Cure me, cure me.  I am disgusted with my life.  The Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) knelt and supplicated for his recovery.  He patted at his shoulders.  He recovered and his face became clear.  All the lumps vanished in the twinkling of an eye.  The crowd was much amazed at the sight of this miracle.  Every one was much impressed.  The people began to follow the teachings of the Prophet Isa (peace be upon him).
One day the Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) was going through the street which was narrow and winding.  He came across a man who was blind and dumb.  The Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) decided to show mercy to him because he was kind-hearted.  He put his hand on the shoulder of the man.  The blind man opened his eyes and Allah restored his eye sight.  Moreover he was endowed with the power of talking.  He expressed a deep sense of gratitude for the kindness shown by the Prophet Isa (peace be upon him).  This miracle impressed the spectators and they began to follow the teachings of Allah.
A man, Lazarus passed away and his sisters,  Mary and Martha fell into melancholy and extinction.  They were making preparations to perform burial ceremonies.   The mourners flocked at the residence of the deceased.  Suddenly the Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) appeared on the scene.  He knelt down and started to pray to Almighty Allah.  After a short time Lazarus was revived by the grace of Allah.   He got up and began to talk.  Every one jumped out or joy.  They began to acknowledge the supreme power of their Lord.  The Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) came to remind the people of the teachings of the other Prophets.  He advised the people to believe in Allah and pray to Him only.  He asked them not to indulge in back-biting, oppression, sinfulness and impiety.  He directed his followers to do noble deeds.  He taught them to be loving and tolerant.  He also had his own revelations.  The Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) had twelve disciples who assisted him in preaching.  They helped him in spreading the religion of Allah during the life of Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) and afterwards.
The preaching work by Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) lasted for three years.  A considerable  number of people began to follow him.  They adopted good ways of life.  The Romans and the Jews were much worried because of the prevailing influence of Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) and his disciples.  They feared lest they should rise in revolt against them.  They decided Isa, the Prophet to be crucified.
Allah loved his Prophet.  He wanted to save him.  On the other hand the Romans made a heavy big cross of wood to put their plan into practice.  There was a large gathering and the soldiers were standing all around where Isa, the Prophet was supposed to be crucified.  Even those people who were against the teachings of Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) were feeling queezy inside.  They did not agree with the idea of crucifying him.  Allah ordered some one who bore resemblance to Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) to take the place of the Prophet on the cross.  In fact the man who was analogous to Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) was crucified and his own life was saved in this manner.

That they said (in boast) "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary the Apostle of Allah"; but they killed him not nor crucified him but so it was made to appear to them and those who differ therein are full of doubts with no (certain) knowledge but only conjecture to follow for of a surety they killed him not.  Nay Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power Wise. ( 4:157, 158 )
Most of the teachings of Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) are still in the Gospel but some of the things written in the Bible are not in original form.  They were changed and some additions as well as subtractions have been made in his teachings.

(4:171) People of the Book! Do not exceed the limits in your religion,211 and attribute to Allah nothing except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a Messenger of Allah, and His command212 that He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him (which led to Mary's conception).213 So believe in Allah and in His Messengers,214 and do not say: (Allah is a) trinity215. Give up this assertion; it would be better for you. Allah is indeed just one God. Far be it from His glory that He should have a son.216 To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth.217 Allah is sufficient for a guardian.218




Ishaq and Yaqub were great prophets who had many prophets amongst their descendants. As time went on, the people went astray and Allah sent many prophets to bring them back to the straight path. These prophets included Musa, Dawud, Yahya and Isa (peace be upon them).

Maryam was also a descendant of Ishaq (as). She was a very kind and pious women. She would spend many hours praying in the temple and would give generously to the poor people.

One day, Allah sent the Angel Jibrael with a message for Maryam. When she saw the angel, she was shocked. When Jibrael told her that she was soon going to have a baby boy she was even more shocked.

She asked the angel how was it possible to have a child without a father? The Angel replied that his birth would be miraculous. Just like Adam (as) was created without a mother and father he will be born without a father.

When it was time for the child to be born, she went to a far away place. She gave birth to a lovely baby boy called Isa. When the people saw her with the baby they were very surprised. She pointed to the baby Isa (as) who told them that he was a servant and messenger of Allah.

Even though most people loved Isa (as) there were some who wanted to kill him. Allah saved him and lifted him away into the sky. Many people did not know about this and thought he had been killed. Some people began to say Isa (as) was the son of god and began to pray to him. Soon the people began to go astray again.

Finally, Allah sent another messenger to guide them back to the truth. Muhammad (pbuh) was this last and final messenger.  



Prophet Isa

Allah has sent many thousands of prophets to teach people about Allah. They also taught people to worship only Allah and to keep away from all evil. The prophets had some special qualities or powers and some even came with books.

Isa (as) was one of these servants of Allah. He had a miraculous birth without any father. He was able to heal the ill people and even brought people back to life.

Throughout his life he prayed to Allah and always obeyed Him. He also loved and respected his mother, Maryam. She was a very pious person.

Some people became annoyed with Isa (as) and tried to harm him. Isa (as) prayed to Allah and Allah saved him from their evil clutches. Allah raised him into the sky.                                                                                                             PUZZLE                                    